Our guiding philosophy
‘Offering Muay Thai at its best.’ With this simple idea, gym manager Ms Supannee ‘Mam’ Changpradit and her husband Mr Emmanuele Corti took over the local Muay Thai gym in 2012. In less than two years, they have managed to rejuvenate the half-abandoned boxing camp and established a reputation of quality Muay Thai training.
Our boxers have fought in some of the biggest promotions in Thailand and abroad – and we have rapidly become the only boxing camp in the area visited by internationally renowned fighters such as:
- Mathias Gallo Cassarino (WPMF, WMC World Champion)
- Carlos Coello Canales (ISKA)
- WBC world Champion) Ilya Grad (WMC World Champion
- I-1 World Champion
- WCK International Champion)
- Kris Addis (WMF European Champion)
- Silvia La Notte(ISKA)
- J-Network multiple World Champion)
- Miriam Sabot (WMC, Z1, WMO, AITMA IMFT multiple World Champion)
- Marloes Merza (Women's Fight Champion)
- Katy Diaz (EBU champion)
- Junmar ‘El Toro’ Eamon

By working in small groups and trying to give our students a more personal, focused preparation, we represent the perfect choice for beginners and amateurs as well as established Muay Thai fighters. You’ll get to train with some of the most talented active fighters on the market and you will be able to see your skills increase rapidly.
We are proud to be the premiere local establishment for professional fight training, focusing on enabling our fighters to reach their goals and compete at the highest level.
In mid-2016, after Kru Mam successfully completed the prestigious certification course for Kru Muay Thai ‘A-License-Grandmadster’ organised by the Board of Boxing Sport in Bangkok.
We are also proud to be the only establishment in the area offering courses in the ancient styles of Muay Boran (“Ancient Boxing”), the martial art from which modern Muay Thai originated. With our location in the picturesque outskirts of Pai, our mission is to keep the traditional instruction of Muay Thai alive and available for every student who chooses to train with Sitjemam.
We strive to improve the athletic and fighting ability of beginners and hope that through an understanding of the principles of Muay Thai they grow and mature into fuller, more complete individuals. For the professional we aim to provide them with improvements in technique, stamina and power. We hope that all our students when asked “Where did you learn that?” will reply: “I learnt it at Sitjemam Muay Thai in Pai!!”